Puma Energy Foundation: Operacion Rescate - PEF
Operación Rescate, Guatemala
(Programme concluded - the Foundation no longer supports this programme)
Working out of Guatemala City, Operación Rescate promotes development opportunities for disadvantaged people in marginalised neighbourhoods. The association runs three projects: an educational centre for disadvantaged children (Apóyate en Mí), an ‘in kind’ donations scheme, and services for the homeless. Puma Energy, with a large presence in Guatemala, is keen to help develop the educational centre by financing the school bus service.
Despite the current peace in the country following 36 years of civil war, violence is still prevalent in Guatemala. This climate of insecurity particularly affects children and young people. Within this context, the Puma Energy Foundation is providing a year’s funding (2015) to ‘Apóyate en Mí’, a school bus service that safely drives over 300 children to school every day. This helps with attendance and in addition to the drop-off service, children are also given school materials, lunch and medico-social support. This project is strongly backed by the Puma Energy team in Guatemala who already supported the school with an in-kind donation in 2013.
Puma Energy Foundation
1, rue de Jargonnant 1207 Geneva Switzerland
Tel: +41 225946900Email: contact@pumaenergyfoundation.com